Looking into the Origins of Performing through Artivism in the Public Spaces. October 2023. Southeastern College Art Conference. Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Aesthetics of Abortion: Our Uterus not your Home. September 2023. 14th annual meeting of the Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition. Seattle University, USA.
Queering Death in Puerto Rican Cinema. June 2023. Film and Philosophy Conference. Chapman University in Ervine, California, USA.
Bad Bunny’s Aesthetics: from sound to visual perception. May 2023. The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of The Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle (CCPC). The Pontifica Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia.
The Aesthetics of Dancing in Silence. September 2022. 13th annual meeting of the Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition. University of San Francisco, USA.
The Gaze of Anarchy: from the imaginary to its rehearsal. September 2021 12th annual meeting of the Pacific Association for the Continental Tradition. University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA.
Unveiling the Forgotten Voices of Female Thinkers: Rethinking Economics. June 17-21 as part of 47th annual meeting of the History of Economics Society. Virtual Conference via Zoom.
From the Baquiné to the Streets: Performances of Grief. To be presented on November 4-5, 2019 at the The First International Queer Death Studies Conference: “Death Matters, Queer(ing) Mourning, Attuning to Transitionings”. Karlstad University, Sweden
The Gaze Economy of (m)others. Presented on June 2019 at the 28th International Association for Feminist Economics Annual Conference. Glasgow Caledonian, Glasgow, Scotland.
Maternal Representation in US American Media in 2016: representation or (miss)representation of US American Maternal Politics and its Philosophies? Presented on July 2018 at the Film-Philosophy Conference 2018. University of Gothenburg, Sweden
The Disney Princess Film Culture: An Ideological State Apparatus and The Portrayal of Power Structures. Presented on July 2017 as part of the International Conference on Moving Image and Philosophy. Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal
Mother Art-ist, Mother Act-ivist. Presented on June 2015 as part of the Motherhood and Creative Practices: Maternal Structures in creative work Conference. Southbank University, London, UK
Can you see me now? The New Performances of Motherhood. Presented on November 2014 as part of the Props and Vessels: Pregnancy, Maternity, and Birth as Objectified Performance Working Group at the American Society for Theater Research Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD